Project Democracy Networks Destabilizing Bolivia, Want President Evo Morales Out
Aug. 14, 2018 (EIRNS)—Networks associated with the Project Democracy apparatus for which the “New Paradigm” of global cooperation and economic development is anathema, are organizing to ensure that Bolivian President Evo Morales can’t run for a third term in next year’s elections, claiming he has trampled on democracy and is a serial violator of human rights. Elements within Bolivia’s armed forces have also joined this campaign, lying that Morales has fostered corruption and lack of professionalism in the military.
It would be more accurate to say that Morales’ alliance with Russia and China, and his firm commitment to the Belt and Road Initiative, is the real complaint. In his 12 years in government, Morales has overseen impressive economic growth, improvement in living standards and promotion of Bolivia’s scientific and technological advancement.
Now, he intends to run for a third term in the 2019 presidential elections, disregarding the February 2016 referendum called to determine whether he could amend the Constitution to run again. He was defeated very narrowly, thanks to a smear campaign financed by foreign NGOs and their media allies, and the nation’s Constitutional Court subsequently invalidated the results.
This is provoking outrage from “democracy” advocates, who promote regime change and coups against anyone deemed unacceptable to the City of London and Wall Street. The Inter-American Institute for Democracy (IID), whose leaders share the outlook of the London-spawned Atlas Foundation and Mont Pelerin Society, charges Morales with persecution and jailing of political opponents and has demanded the Inter-American Human Rights Commission investigate.
Former President “Tuto” Quiroga, who was soundly defeated by Morales in the 2005 presidential elections and who also hobnobs with the same Mont Pelerin/Atlas networks, is loudly warning that the Organization of American States (OAS) and its Human Rights Commission, as well as the Inter-American Court in Costa Rica, will soon issue a ruling denouncing Morales’s “tyranny,” and echoing the findings of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, also known as the European Commission of Democracy Through Law, Eju-TV reported Aug. 13. In a March 2018 report the Venice Commission referenced the February 2016 referendum and concluded that “reelection is not conceived of as a human right.”