British-Spawned ‘Get Trump’ Effort Takes Some Hits
Aug. 27, 2018 (EIRNS)—Former special Clinton White House lawyer Lanny Davis, who is now representing former Trump New York lawyer Michael Cohen, took a big hit to his credibility over the weekend. Davis is now “walking back” his cocky assertion that Trump was aware of Russian meddling on his behalf in the 2016 election, and that Cohen might have information about the June 9, 2016 meeting involving Trump, Jr. at Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer.
Davis now says, as reported by The Hill, “he ‘should have been more clear’ that he doesn’t know the extent of Cohen’s knowledge, particularly when it comes to the Trump Tower meeting.”
Trump tweeted Aug. 25, in response to Davis’s recantation, that it proves the allegation that Trump knew in advance about the meeting was "Just another phony story by the Fake News Media!" In June, the Washington Post reported that Cohen had witnessed a conversation between Trump and his son about the meeting before it occurred. The Post attributed it to an anonymous source at the time, but over the weekend the Post admitted the source was the now recanted Lanny Davis.
The Spokesman, an English/Chinese newspaper with a 1.3 million circulation, reported that Trump’s approval rating did not drop in NBC/Wall Street Journal polls even after the Alexandria, Virginia Federal jury verdict last week finding Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort “guilty” on 8 of 18 charges.
Constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz, an informal adviser to Trump, said on ABC-TV’s This Week yesterday that the investigation in the Southern District of New York could be the most dangerous for Trump
“because I think he [Trump] has Constitutional defenses to the investigation being conducted by Mueller. But there are no Constitutional defenses to what the Southern District is investigating. So, I think the Southern District is the greatest threat.”
But as for Michael Cohen, Dershowitz and columnist Pat Buchanan agreed completely. To quote Buchanan: “Cohen pled guilty to something which is not a crime,” to try to injure Trump and thereby get leniency for his own, actual, tax evasion crimes.
“Cohen claims he and Trump thus conspired to violate federal law. But paying girlfriends to keep past indiscretions private is neither a crime nor a campaign violation. And Trump could legally contribute as much as he wished to his own campaign for President.”