Ohr House Testimony Raises Burning Questions, ‘What Was Mueller Really Up To?’
Aug. 30 (EIRNS)—Based on consultation with Congressional sources about yesterday’s testimony by demoted former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr before a joint Congressional committee, two reputable investigative reporters, Sara Carter and John Solomon, raise pointed questions about the nature of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s phony Russia investigation.
Recall House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes’s warning of a few weeks ago, that Americans “will be shocked” when they learn what was included and excluded from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant applications. Ohr, he said at the time, is central to this.
Speaking last night on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox, John Solomon, who writes for The Hill, said that one of Ohr’s most important revelations was that neither he nor his wife, Nellie, (employed by Fusion GPS), were ever questioned by Robert Mueller. Given Ohr’s role as British intelligence operative Christopher Steele’s back-channel to the FBI after the FBI “fired” Steele as an informant, his wife’s job working with Steele to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, why would Mueller not want to question him?
“If,” Solomon asked,
“Mueller wanted to get to the bottom of this, the questions that Congress has raised that are now in the public, whether the FISA warrant was legitimate and the origins of this investigation were legitimate, you would think at the very least, he’d want to talk to Bruce or/and find out why was he playing the intermediary role. This raises a lot of questions for people in Congress about what Mueller is really up to.”
Indeed. Several Congressmen commented after hearing Ohr’s testimony, that the omissions in the FISA warrant applications—no mention of Ohr or his wife, their relationship to Steele, or Steele’s well-known bias against Trump, no mention of the unverifiable nature of his dodgy dossier (Ohr admitted that it could never stand up in court) and Steele’s acknowledged credibility problem—are “astonishing.” The FBI had all this information, yet failed to include it.
On the Hannity show, Rep. John Ratcliff (R-TX), a former U.S. Attorney and terrorism prosecutor, said that Ohr identified a half-dozen senior FBI and DOJ officials to whom he had revealed his and his wife’s involvement with Steele, with Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson, their payments, etc. The senior FBI officials advised of this relationship included Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, attorney Lisa Page and Special Agent Peter Strzok, according to sources who spoke to It’s highly unlikely that then-FBI Director James Comey didn’t know about this, Carter told Sean Hannity.
In comments to The Hill, Representative Ratcliff said he thinks Ohr’s testimony should be referred to U.S. Attorney John Huber, who is working with DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz in investigating allegations of surveillance abuse by the DOJ and FBI, particularly in the case of the FISA application to surveil Carter Page.