Philippine LaRouche Society Head Butch Valdes and Others Launch New Political Party
Sept. 2, 2018—Butch Valdes, the head of the Philippine LaRouche Society, has founded a new political party in the Philippines, together with other leading citizens, called the Katipunan ng Demokratikong Pilipino (KDP, Union of Democratic Filipinos) which name is taken from the revolutionary movement against the 19th century Spanish occupation. The party put forth a list of potential candidates on a slate for the Senate elections next year at their founding conference on Aug. 31.
Their slogan is: “We will be a Party of Principle, not Convenience; a party of Ideas and not Personalities.” They support President Rodrigo Duterte, but are an independent party (Duterte is not really a member of any party, although he joined one in order to run for President).
Their immediate focus is on three domestic issues (the election fraud in the country run by George Soros; the misuse of a Dengue fever drug by the former government, which has killed hundreds of children so far; and the outrageous cost of electricity due to privatization, but their broader issues address the global crisis: Agro-industrial and infrastructure development through collaboration with the Belt and Road Initiative; a review of the debt structure; peace through development and “A Friend of All Nations and an Enemy of None”; a Science and Classical Culture emphasis in education, for a Renaissance Philippines; food self-sufficiency; defense of the family from drugs and violence.
Archbishop Oscar Cruz issued a public letter to the conference, which said there had been an “inversion of values” in the country, which has undermined the family, and the government has become “a den of thieves.” He points to the new KDP party as
“a bright light emerging from all the darkness that is Philippine politics. There is a group of men and women who are striking a different tune in the chaotic noises of the body politic.... From my solitary vantage it is a daring implementation of the Lord’s instruction of his ministry: ‘I did not come to be served, but to serve.’ It is with heartfelt joy that I congratulate the rising of a new political party, of inspired and courageous Filipino Patriots, determined to address the issues which have long caused much suffering for our people.”
There was extensive and excellent press coverage of the founding conference in both TV and printed media, including a two-minute spot on CNN-Philippines.