S.D. Congressional Candidate Wieczorek: U.S. Needs a Credit System, End Wall Street Looting
Sept. 3, 2018 (EIRNS)—In a nearly two-hour televised debate from the South Dakota State Fair yesterday in Huron, the four at-large Congressional candidates faced off, as Ron Wieczorek, an Independent endorsed by LaRouche PAC, took the high road, addressing the serious national, global, and cultural issues America is facing. Wieczorek insisted the U.S. needs to end to Wall Street’s destructive rule, replacing it with a credit system, and following China’s example of building infrastructure and development.
President Donald Trump is coming to Sioux Falls on Sept. 7, according to the state’s outgoing U.S. Rep. Kristi Noem (R,) who is running for governor.
Wieczorek argued that that the country needs the policies of Alexander Hamilton and George Washington, later implemented under Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Kennedy. In another series of exchanges, he told voters we need to restore the Glass-Steagall Act, return to classical education, and get farmers parity prices. Our young people need to know about real production, not how to shuffle papers.
He repeatedly stressed that no good comes from complaining about symptoms, even terrible ones, such as the deadly opioid and drug plague, the lack of health care, the ruin of family farmers, and disappearance of decent wages; there must be a solution. At several points, Wieczorek explained to the live and TV audience about China’s Belt and Road Initiative. He referred people to the fourfold program he is circulating, presenting policy based on economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws. He emphasized again that our children need a classical education that teaches their subconscious to think and solve problems.
Wieczorek’s campaign booth at the State Fair was mobbed afterward, and campaign workers are getting out some 1,000 fourfold fliers a day. Over the last six months, he has printed 20,000 total, and aims to get out 100,000 before Nov. 6. There is tremendous interest. People want to take pictures of his posters, showing maglev trains and technology.
The contenders for South Dakota’s one Congressional seat, besides Independent Wieczorek, are Dusty Johnson (R), Tim Bjorkman (D) and George Hendrickson, Libertarian.
Broadcast live from the Huron fairgrounds, the KSFY-TV moderate asked debate questions ranging from, “What do you think about self-driving Uber cars?” to the “Mueller probe” (Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s operation to overthrow President Trump), to “man-made climate change.” To a question regarding making guns from 3-D printers, Wieczorek denounced the imminent danger of killer computer games that children play and learn how to kill human beings, and demanded they be outlawed. “When I was a kid, we all had guns, but we also had morality and respect for life,” he countered, to resounding applause.
The full debate is posted to KSFY’s website in four parts.