Mexico’s Future Interior Minister Launches Drug Legalization Drive
Sept. 4, 2018 (EIRNS)—Olga Sánchez Cordero, appointed Government (Interior) Minister in the López Obrador government, is barging ahead with a campaign to legalize drugs—not just marijuana but also poppies—as part of her plan to “pacify” Mexico.
As the Trump Administration has indicated that drug legalization in Mexico won’t be tolerated, Sánchez’s offensive, if it becomes policy, will become a major point of tension.
In an interview on the “Democracy Dialogues” show at the National Autonomous University (UNAM), Sánchez elaborated on what is essentially drug kingpin George Soros’s program for a less “punitive” policy, whose basic premise is that it’s impossible to combat the drug trade. During the first three months of López Obrador’s government, she said, she intends to push this program in Congress, to both decriminalize marijuana and poppy production. She went on at length about how 25 U.S. states have decriminalized, and how unfair it is that young people are persecuted and prosecuted for drug possession. The amnesty she is proposing will allow for currently incarcerated young people and poor peasants to be released from jail.
Bragging that 120 communities just in the state of Guerrero produce poppies, under “excellent climatic conditions.” Poppy “should be industrialized, converting it to an input for pharmaceuticals such as morphine,” she said, claiming there are six nations authorized by UN to legally grow poppy, and Mexico should be one of them.