Willy Wimmer Argues Removal of Trump Would Trigger Third World War
Sept. 6, 2018 (EIRNS)—In an unprecedented, harshly worded Aug. 30 opinion piece on Zeitgeist Online and a similar piece for German RT on Sept. 3, former State Secretary of the German Defense Minister Willy Wimmer warns of a situation after Election Day on Nov. 6 in the United States, in which President Trump’s opponents would win enough races to remove him from office. This, Wimmer writes, would be the prelude to a (nuclear) war against Russia, the foremost enemy of the circles identified with the names of John McCain and Hillary Clinton.
“The hate potential of Anglo-Saxon global media, means that this is not going to be the normal or even escalated confrontation, but rather that it is the road to the annihilation of the assumed enemy of the U.S. war coalition. This gives you an idea of the power of the ‘deep state,’ ”
(actually the British Empire—ed.) Wimmer writes.
The buildup for the confrontation has been assiduously pursued in Europe during recent years, so that the removal of Trump from office “would be the breaking of the dam that is keeping the fragile peace alive.” The obituaries for the deceased Sen. John McCain show
“where the hearts of European heads of government beat, and there is also George Soros with his campaign against Trump, a campaign now pursued from his new European HQ in Berlin.”
All of that contradicts the lessons that Germans were supposed to have learned from two world wars, namely that only peace would issue from German territory in the future—that no war of aggression would be conducted from Germany. Instead, Germany is supporting Ukrainian fascist combat units moving against the Russian-speaking population in their own country, with billions of euros.
In a few months from now, the centennial of the end of World War I will be commemorated, Wimmer concludes. The year 2019 will commemorate the outbreak of World War II in 1939, but also the founding of NATO in 1949, all of which contradicts the principles of the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648. The year 2018, Wimmer warns, may be the last one in which Europe enjoys peace.