Bruce Ohr’s Wife, Nellie Ohr, Reportedly Refusing To Give Testimony to House Investigative Panel
Sept. 20, 2018 (EIRNS)—Nellie Ohr, the wife of former top DOJ official Bruce Ohr, since demoted, is refusing to give testimony to the Joint Panel of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee, according to Congressional sources, reported the Daily Caller, regarding a Sept. 21 scheduled appearance for a deposition.
Bruce Ohr, then Associate Deputy Attorney General, was acting as a back-channel into the FBI for British “ex” MI6 agent Christopher Steele, after the FBI had fired Steele as a confidential source. Nellie Ohr was working for Fusion GPS, the U.S. company that had hired Steele to produce the infamous dirty dossier on Donald Trump, for which the firm had been paid by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s campaign.