Colombia’s ‘Demobilized FARC’ Has Remobilized Back into Drugs and Terrorism
Sept. 21, 2018 (EIRNS)—The real consequences of the British Empire-spawned “peace accord” in Colombia are reported in a lengthy New York Times article of Sept. 18, co-authored by Federico Rios Escobar, reporting “from a secret rebel base” inside Colombia, where he was embedded with the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia). Despite—or rather, because of—the 2016 peace accord rammed through by then-President Juan Manuel Santos (a protégé of Tony Blair’s), over repeated referenda that rejected it, the FARC is back in narco-terrorist action.
“There may be up to 2,800 dissident FARC fighters—about 40% of the number that fought before the peace deal,” that have gone back to the mountains to wage warfare—and traffic cocaine. As part of the peace deal, the FARC was given five Senate seats, without having to even run in elections (where they would undoubtedly have lost). Reports the Times: “One of the FARC peace negotiators was arrested for trafficking 10 tons of cocaine this year—while preparing to take a Senate seat.”
EIR warned from the outset that the real intent of the British “peace deal” in Colombia was to legalize drugs and hand over large chunks of the country to the narco-terrorist FARC.
Who is running the show on the ground?
“Among the former FARC leaders now unaccounted for is Ivan Marquez, FARC’s second-in-command, who went missing more than a month ago, leaving many fearing he will re-arm.... The rebels are also seeking out former FARC members who have returned to arms elsewhere, including commanders like Walter Patricio Arizala, known by his alias Guacho, who controls the cocaine trade on the border of Ecuador and this year kidnapped and killed three journalists.”
And who is running the show from the top? London’s Dope, Inc.
BBC reported laconically Sept. 20 that
“Colombian cocaine production hit record levels in 2017, according to newly released UN statistics. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) says production rose about 31% year on year to some 1,400 tons, cultivated on 171,000 hectares.... Colombia is the world’s largest producer of cocaine, much of which ends up in the U.S., which is the world’s largest consumer.”
The 2017 acreage, according to the UNODC, was 17% higher than in 2016—part of the peace deal “success” story. BBC explained:
“On its own, the [Colombian] state of Narino on the frontier with Ecuador has more farmland dedicated to coca than the whole of Peru, which is another large producer. Eighty per cent of the coca has been grown in the same area for the past 10 years, while crops produce 33% more coca leaf—the main cocaine ingredient—than they did in 2012.”