Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein at Center of British Failing Coup
Sept. 25, 2018 (EIRNS)—There are several overlapping dynamics at work here:
1. It is clear that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein attended a meeting of top FBI and Justice Department officials in March 2017 in which invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Donald Trump from office, and wearing wires to set the President up was discussed. The Sept. 21 New York Times story asserts that Rosenstein advocated this course of action. Rosenstein denies this. His denial, however, really does not matter because he never reported these treasonous conversations, acting instead, in the wake of the firing of FBI Director James Comey by Donald Trump, to appoint Robert Mueller to conduct an unprecedented and ultra vires counterintelligence investigation of the President of the United States. As Alan Dershowitz has repeatedly pointed out in the last 24 hours, invoking the 25th Amendment in these circumstances amounts to declaring a coup d’état in the United States. Nothing less is implicated by the New York Times story. According to several reports, Rosenstein concluded after the New York Times story came out, that he could not testify to Congress about these meetings and keep his job, offering his resignation on Friday. There is now a widespread recognition that there is an ongoing coup against the President which threatens the governability of the United States itself. Senator Lindsey Graham, speaking on multiple media channels Sunday, Sept. 23, called it a bureaucratic coup d’état. Many Republican stalwarts and the President’s attorneys also recognize that Robert Mueller is a legal assassin, not the embodiment of legal rectitude as portrayed by Washington, D.C.’s best PR shops.
2. The British are screaming about Trump’s Sept. 17th declassification order regarding several foundational documents central to the coup and exposing the British hand in the matter. Trump’s declassification order came in the week when George Papadopoulos began talking about the CIA and British efforts to entrap him and fabricate evidence against the Trump campaign, efforts which provided the pretext for the FBI’s unprecedented and completely unfounded counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign.
Rosenstein went to the White House on Friday of last week to urge the President to hold off from immediate declassification based on objections from Britain and Australia. The President agreed to have Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice Inspector General, review the documents, but stated that he expected that review to be expedited and that speed was very important to him. In an interview on WMAL radio Monday morning, Sept. 24, former Washington, D.C., U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova said,
“The U.K. is at the center of a conspiracy to frame Donald Trump and Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos. This is all about Mifsud, and protecting Halper, and Alexander Downer. Downer is a big fish. And all of the work that all of them did with GCHQ.... This is a huge, huge problem for the U.K. They may ultimately say, ‘Look, you can talk about Steele, but please don’t talk about Alexander Downer.’ They are very worried about the role that Downer played in this.”
Pat Buchanan noted yesterday that the integrity of the American republic is far more important than the embarrassment of the British in this affair. Buchanan cited a Wall Street Journal piece to the same effect.
3. There is a sitting grand jury in Washington, D.C., which has begun to hear evidence about the crimes implicit in the coup against Donald Trump. The initial focus is on former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who is under investigation for lying about media leaks. McCabe’s memos are the source of the New York Times leak about Rosenstein’s perfidies. It is clear that McCabe is intent on bringing down his co-conspirators and those he thinks hung him out to dry in order to save himself.
As Alan Dershowitz has said, the remedies lie in getting everyone who was involved in the March 2017 meetings involving Rosenstein, under oath about what happened there, and doing so, in whatever forum, urgently and quickly. The American public needs to know this now, and urgently. The President is right. This needs to be completely transparent. In addition, the documents the President ordered released on Sept. 17th must be released now and the British government should be forced to detail its role in the coup and the reasons for its extraordinary actions, and everyone involved in them. That is the only basis for assessing any relationship the British will have in the future with the United States.