Senators Say Feinstein, Her Staff, and Ford’s Lawyers Will Be Investigated
Sept. 30, 2018 (EIRNS)—Senator Tom Cotton (r-Ar) told CBS News’ Meet the Press today that in their handling of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, “the Democrats have turned the advise and consent process into a search and destroy mission” and “have disgraced this process and the United States Senate.” He said that witness Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyers “are going to face a D.C. bar investigation into their misconduct,” and that “[Senator] Dianne Feinstein and her staff are going to face an investigation for why they leaked” the accusation letter that Blasey Ford had sent them in confidence.
Cotton explained that the Senate Judiciary Committee had a “well-established process of confidentiality,” and that Feinstein and other Democrats, rather than follow that process to satisfy Blasey Ford’s request for confidentiality, acted to create the circus the nation witnessed on Thursday, Sept. 27. rather than arrange for a discreet investigation of the charges contained in the letter, they leaked it to the news media. That done, they recommended lawyers to Blasey Ford who, as Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (r-IA) explained during the hearing, failed to inform Ford that the committee would be willing to send representatives to California to interview her so she could avoid the public spectacle that emerged. That fraud against their client is the basis for the D.C. bar investigation Cotton referred to.
The CBS anchor John Dickerson demonstrated the character of the “crush Kavanaugh” campaign by repeatedly cutting off Senator Cotton with the accusation that his failure to automatically accept Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated charges was discouraging all victims of abuse from coming forward with their complaints.
Also today, Sen. Lindsey Graham (r-SC) told Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures that he would ask Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley “to get to the bottom of how this hearing process was hijacked.” He read from notes on a discussion with Blasey Ford in which she said, “I just appreciate that you did offer that [being interviewed in California]. I wasn’t clear on what the offer was.” He then read from correspondence between the committee and Ford’s lawyers in which the offer was clearly made, and the lawyer’s response, “Dr. Ford has asked me to let you know that she appreciates the various offers made.” He also was concerned about Ford’s statement during the hearings that Senator Feinstein had recommended attorney Debra Katz to Ford, because it is improper for a senator to recommend an attorney to a constituent.