Trump-Endorsed Senate Candidate in Michigan Runs Against Party System
Oct. 2, 2018 (EIRNS)—Michigan’s Republican candidate for Senate John James, running against incumbent Debbie Stabenow, released his first TV ad of the general election today: a 30-second blast at both parties for sinking the country.
The ad opens with shots of people walking down the street, one sighing that their insurance premium went up again; another that the VA doesn’t cover “that”; etc.
Enter the candidate, John James. He says, as his ad displays video shots of Michigan’s destroyed homes, ancient schools, and a homeless vet:
“We’ve got to do better than this. Look around you, blighted neighborhoods, failing schools, forgotten veterans.
“It’s disgraceful, and both parties are to blame. They pit Americans against each other, then they blame the other side when nothing gets done.
“Well I’m tired of their B.S. I’m John James and I hate politics, but I approve this message because I love this country and I’m ready to serve,”
he concludes.
James is a 37-year-old West Point-trained Iraq War veteran, a Ranger-qualified aviation officer, who came back from war to run his family’s business. He defeated a Milton Friedman businessman in the Republican primary, building a grassroots machine which he claims is the largest in the country in this election cycle, and was endorsed by President Donald Trump, who then invited him to visit him in the Oval Office.
James argued in a recent short campaign video posted to his campaign site that his major focus is not the year 2018, but 2118—one hundred years from now.
His most recent such video touches on a theme elaborated more fully by Texas Independent Congressional candidate Kesha Rogers in her “Open Letter to the 9th District” of Texas, posted to her website. In James’ words, the Democrats are more interested in maintaining their power than eliminating poverty; the Democratic Party just wants to make poverty “comfortable.” We must “upscale our country’s labor force,” provide more opportunities, and get better education instead, to look out for our grandchildren, he urges.
Rogers’ “Open Letter” to her Texas district spells out how to accomplish what James would like to achieve, through Lyndon LaRouche’s famous Four Laws and the Belt and Road.