Robert Mueller’s Gathering Storm: Thieves Fall Out
Oct. 9, 2018 (EIRNS)—There have been significant developments in the counter-coup in Washington over the past few days. The Congressional testimony last week of former FBI General Counsel James Baker has proved to be a font of new leads in the coup against the President:
Baker testified that he personally met with Michael Sussman, the lawyer for Hillary Clinton and the DNC, to receive their British intelligence-generated dirty dossier on Donald Trump, and other materials on Russiagate, and then, as FBI general counsel, shepherded through a FISA warrant on Carter Page, which never told the court that this was the FBI acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign to spy on a U.S. citizen and a rival presidential campaign. While this aspect of Baker’s testimony has been widely reported, it is important to add that this spying was on behalf of the British and the Obama White House, in addition to the Clinton campaign.
Baker also testified, according to accounts provided both by Sara Carter on Fox and by John Solomon in The Hill, that Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page came to him shortly after the May 2017 meeting reported in the New York Times and stated that Rod Rosenstein was talking seriously about wearing a wire to record conversations with the President, and that he was working with cabinet level officials to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove the President. Rosenstein has denied the Times’ report of this meeting and, clearly, Baker is pushing back on behalf of the fired Deputy Director of the FBI McCabe, and his former attorney, Page. According to Sara Carter, Baker testified that he told McCabe and Page that he saw nothing unethical about doing this.
Rosenstein, who rode with the President to Florida on Air Force One on Monday, received the President’s endorsement, as least temporarily. It is unclear what Rosenstein told the President about these May 2017 meetings in the wake of Comey’s firing. Rosenstein is scheduled to appear before the House Judiciary Committee in a closed-door session on Oct. 11. The Andrew McCabe Memos which document McCabe’s account of these meetings have been subpoenaed by the House, but not turned over. It is unclear whether their release to the House is being blocked by Special Counsel Robert Mueller who has copies of the McCabe memos.