Vitrenko Letter to UN, OSCE, Euro Parliament: ‘Stop Terrorism and Repressions! Defend Democracy in Ukraine!’
Oct. 9, 2018 (EIRNS)—Natalia Vitrenko, Chairman of Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, wrote a letter on Oct. 3 to leading international institutions demanding that the Ukrainian government investigate and otherwise be held accountable for violence and repression against the PSPU and other political groupings in Ukraine. Vitrenko is a tireless and courageous fighter against fascism in her country and internationally, and has frequently campaigned along with Helga Zepp-LaRouche in favor of a New Bretton Woods to replace the current bankrupt financial system. Vitrenko’s letter, addressed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the European Parliament, was written after the PSPU held its extraordinary 32nd Congress, whose delegates authorized her to issue the appeal on their behalf, given that there are elections upcoming in Ukraine in 2019, for both the Presidency and the Supreme Rada, and the current regime is acting to make it impossible for the PSPU to run candidates. The letter begins:
“The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has blocked the activity of our party (an opposition party!) by illegally failing to acknowledge (i.e., to register) the resolutions of three Congresses, so far, of the PSPU, which took place in 2015, 2016, and 2017. In compliance with the requirements of new Ukrainian laws, these Congresses amended the Charter and Program of the party and the membership of its leading bodies. Thus, since 2015 the PSPU has been deprived of the possibility of taking part in elections....
“What is being carried out is political, moral, psychological, physical, and informational terrorism against opposition political parties and public organizations. Taking part in this terrorism are agencies of the state, as well as Nazi fighters who enjoy protection from Ukrainian law enforcement agencies.”
“We are counting on you. We are counting on you to read our Appeal, study the facts stated here, and others, and make public your evaluation of them. Political rights are inalienable for every person, every citizen. Without respect for them, life will not change for the better.”