‘Big Brother’ Facebook Shuts Down Hundreds of Political Sites Weeks Before Crucial Election
Oct. 12, 2018 (EIRNS)—Facebook has again exposed itself as a controlled entity of the massive intervention into the U.S. electoral process under the direction of the coup-plotters who are attempting to bring down President Donald Trump on behalf of the British Empire.
RT reports today:
“Some 800 pages spanning the political spectrum, from left-leaning organizations like The Anti Media, to flag-waving opinion sites like Right Wing News and Nation in Distress, were shut down. Other pages banned include those belonging to police brutality watchdog groups Filming Cops and Policing the Police. Even RT Americas Rachel Blevins found her own page banned for posts that were allegedly ‘misleading users.’ ”
Glenn Greenwald, who strongly protested the shutdown of Alex Jones in August by Facebook, Twitter and social media outfits, tweeted Oct. 11 (although the tweet is no longer available on his page):
“Those who demanded Facebook & other Silicon Valley giants censor political content—something they didn’t actually want to do—are finding that content that they themselves support & like end up being repressed. That’s what has happened to every censorship advocate in history.”
Paul Joseph Watson, part of Alex Jones’ Infowars, tweeted:
“Unlike most leftists who laughed & celebrated when Infowars was purged by Big Tech, I vehemently oppose the censorship and deletion of left-wing pages by Facebook and Twitter. If you don’t support free speech for even your most ardent adversaries, you don’t support free speech.”
MintPress News, operating since 2012, and which published interviews from Ghouta, Syria exposing the fake chemical attacks run by the terrorists, tweeted:
“Without warning or explanation, #Facebook just unpublished hundreds of pages including independent media outlets with millions of followers. Make no mistake, this is an extreme act of censoring the truth.”