Trump Rally Draws Huge Crowd in Houston, Including Kesha Rogers Campaign Greeting
Oct. 22, 2018 (EIRNS)—For the sixth time since he began his run for President, Donald Trump tonight returned to Houston, Texas, for a campaign rally, nominally in support of Senator Ted Cruz. Since the event was announced, the Republican headquarters has been besieged with over 100,000 requests for tickets. Some people waited in line more than 24 hours. Rally organizers had already moved the venue for the event from the NRG Arena, to the Toyota Center, which can hold 19,000, almost double the capacity.
Even so, demand was so strong, that this morning that event organizers announced they were sponsoring a “tailgate rally” in the parking lot outside the center, where people could bring food, and, of course, watch the President on a wide-screen monitor. Local TV networks were also streaming the event live on internet.
LaRouche PAC-endorsed Independent campaign, Kesha Rogers for Congress, in Texas’ 9th CD for the seat held by impeachment fanatic Al Green was out front, organizing among the massive crowd. During morning rush hour, from 6:30-9:30 a.m., a large banner hung from a highway overpass, reading: “Kesha Rogers for Congress Welcomes President Donald Trump. Fire Impeachment Al Green!” Throughout the day, Rogers campaign activists circulated among the lines of people, getting out thousands of leaflets and making contacts. People came not only from the surrounding states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico, but also from as far away as Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Early voting in Texas begins Monday, Oct. 22.