The Queen Is Growing Even More Upset About LaRouche
Nov. 7, 2018 (EIRNS)—One day after the Oct. 31 New York Times attempted to revive the reputation of one of the British Empire’s favorite moneybags for drug legalization, euthanasia, and coups, the despicable George Soros, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (CBC) did similarly. Notably, both media named American statesman Lyndon LaRouche as responsible for kicking off the growing worldwide revulsion against Soros and his operations, including his financing of the British intelligence “Russiagate” fraud.
The CBC is a Crown Corporation owned by “the Sovereign” of Canada, who is Queen Elizabeth, herself. Its Nov. 2 story elaborated in even greater detail LaRouche’s role in ruining the degenerate Soros’s reputation. The CBC cited the LaRouche movement’s 1997 publications on “George Soros: The Queen’s Drug Pusher,” and “George Soros: A Golem Made in Britain”; evidently, they still rankle the British monarchy.
The CBC’s expressed concern is that LaRouche’s “demonization of Soros” has spread so far, that now the “Golem made in Britain” is being attacked from “the center of power,” President Donald Trump. So much for the CBC’s labelling LaRouche a “fringe agitator”!
Even before hearing of these growlings from the Crown’s CBC, Schiller Institute president and Lyndon LaRouche’s wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, had noted with pride that the British “are attacking us because they need to attack us.” Her exposure of the British role in creating “Russiagate” in Moscow had a huge impact, she commented, and said she had been told to expect that there is more to come on this. With a chuckle, she cited the German proverb: “Many enemies, much honor.”
Zepp-LaRouche set off an “information bomb” in many Russian media, when she exposed the British role in the U.S. coup drive, as a desperate attempt to prevent President Trump from establishing normal, friendly relations with Russia, during her Oct. 23-25 visit to Moscow.