Marco Zanni Bringing Glass-Steagall Signatures to U.S. Congress
MILAN, Nov. 23, 2018 (EIRNS)—This morning Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Marco Zanni from Italy officially handed over, in the office of Lombardy Regional Councilman Bastoni of the Milan, the 217 signatures for Glass-Steagall collected by Zanni and by Massimo Kobe Massaron, an activist associated with MoviSol (part of the LaRouche movement), over the last two years. The list includes important signers within the present Italian government. Zanni will bring them to the U.S. Congress next week, during his meetings with Republican and Democratic Congressmen, in which he will bring an important message of cooperation between the Trump Administration and the Italian government, in order to achieve a fundamental change in economic and foreign policy.
Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of MoviSol, then introduced Zanni, reminding the audience that
“his trip to Washington comes in a very important political moment, after the midterm elections which, contrary to what the press has been saying, were not at all a victory for the Democrats, but actually strengthened President Trump in his policy of dialogue with Russia and China, checkmating the Deep State, British intelligence and Hillary Clinton, who had been trying to impeach him in the last two years.”
Trump’s candidates won, and also in the Democratic Party the policy that prevailed is that of dialogue with Trump, represented by Nancy Pelosi, rather than the war-mongering line of Clinton.
“I had the honor and pleasure of contributing to some of the meetings Zanni will have in Congress” Gorini said, “and I can only confirm that there is a lot of interest in what’s going on in Italy and the urgency of a new financial and credit system.”
Zanni opened his remarks recalling that
“this is a fundamental moment of change, both in the United States and in Europe, and ... there is great interest for the question of financial regulation, but also for what’s going on in Europe, with the first populist government. There are winds of change, since the Brexit, Trump’s victory, Renzi’s defeat in Italy in the referendum, and it is therefore important to speak with the U.S. Congress, since Italy does not have the support of Europe, but it has the support of the United States and Russia.”
Zanni continued:
“Italy plays an important geopolitical role of mediation between Asia and the United States, which is the key to make sure that Trump adopts the policies that have been opposed by the Deep State, and stops the new Cold War.”
Also in Europe, he said “there is a Deep State pushing for a geopolitical war” and therefore the opening of Trump towards Italy, and his invitation to invest in Italy and the Italian state bonds shows that, contrary to what Macron and others in the EU say, “our economic fundamentals are solid.”
Change is important “because Europe is becoming a problem for the whole world” and that will be seen in the European elections in May. “A change in Europe towards development and growth will also benefit the U.S.”
As for Glass-Steagall, Zanni concluded, taking delivery of the 217 signatures, “the Italian government has Glass-Steagall in its program, but it cannot realize it alone, it must be Europe and the United States together.” Zanni exposed ECB President Mario Draghi and the policy of the ECB which has been encouraging financial speculation, instead of safeguarding credit and savings, and the demonstration is the situation of Deutsche Bank which is “de facto bankrupt because of derivatives.