Rome-Washington Axis against the EU and Geopolitics Consolidates
Dec. 6, 2018 (EIRNS)—U.S. Ambassador to Italy Lewis Michael Eisenberg endorsed the Italian government in its confrontation with the European Union. Citing a tweet by Trump, Eisenberg said that “Prime Minister Conte is working a lot for the Italian economy and will be highly successful. This is what Trump believes and his hope as well.” Speaking at an Aspen Institute Italy meeting on “U.S.-Italy Dialogue” on Dec. 3, he said: “We believe that the process on the budget undertaken by Italy is very significant for Italy, the European Union and for the world.”
Italian Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi spoke next, saying, “I think that what we heard” from Ambassador Eisenberg “is clear. The United States is with us.”
At the same time, it has been reported that the U.S.-Italy axis on Mediterranean policy is making progress. After a meeting in Washington of Italian and U.S. officials in the framework of the “U.S.-Italy steering committee” set up during Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s visit to Washington last summer, Libyan National Army head Khalifa Haftar flew to Rome Dec. 5 to meet with Conte. This is part of the work to implement the roadmap agreed upon at the International Libya Conference last November in Palermo.