Intelligence Chair Rep. Devin Nunes Insists That Russiagate Documents Must Be Declassified
Dec. 17, 2018 (EIRNS)—With mounting evidence that the FBI and Justice Department will stop at no level of evidence destruction and concealment to hide the British intelligence hand guiding “Russiagate” against President Donald Trump, Rep. Devin Nunes made an urgent call for declassification Dec. 16. Nunes, outgoing Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Fox News that, since President Trump has not moved to declassify these documents, the American public remains at the mercy of “swamp creatures” in intelligence positions who justify total secrecy—including tactical lying to Congress—on “national security” grounds. He proposed creation of a Transparency Office to handle declassification of documents.
“Our investigation is essentially over. We have everything that we need. What we’re lacking now is that we’re lacking the declassification by the President,” said Nunes, of the Intelligence Committee investigation into the Justice Department and the FBI’s handling of Russiagate.
“For various reasons, the President or his staff doesn’t want to do it. Therefore, I think it’s important, if the President doesn’t want his hands on it, we have to have somebody, some office, that’s going to look at all of these issues and all of these documents that need to be declassified. I’m going be working with my colleagues to ... send some example over to the President, of a transparency type of office, so that the Congress, the American people, others can put in requests of documents or issues that they want declassified. That way the President doesn’t have to take this full burden on, and the Congress has somewhere where we can go to try to avoid the swamp creatures from getting involved and ensuring that the American public is kept in the dark.”