Italy’s Di Maio Tells French European Minister Loiseau, ‘Stop Impoverishing Africa’
Jan. 8, 2019 (EIRNS)—French Minister for European Affairs Nathalie Loiseau has reacted to remarks by Italy’s Deputy Prime Ministers Luigi Di Maio (M5S) and Matteo Salvini (Liga) in support of the Yellow Vest protests against the French government, stating: “France refrains from giving lessons to Italy. Salvini and Di Maio should learn to keep your own house in order,” Loiseau tweeted yesterday.
Today, Di Maio responded to Loiseau on Facebook:
“Perhaps she doesn’t remember when her President Macron compared us to leprosy, in speaking about our government.... What hypocrisy.... The French people are demanding change and attention to their demands. I cannot help but share those wishes, and I don’t think I am saying anything offensive to French citizens. It is clear that something must change. For instance, it is time to stop impoverishing Africa with colonialist policies that cause waves of migration into Europe which Italy has often had to deal by itself.”