FROM EIR DAILY ALERTGreen Hysteria Pushing for March 15 ‘School Strike 4 Climate’ To Target Youth WorldwideFeb. 21, 2019 (EIRNS)—A filthy green operation, especially reprehensible for targetting youth, is in motion internationally, for students to boycott classes Friday, March 15, and stage a “School Strike 4 Climate” action, to demand adults do more to cut CO2. Self-described on websites and social media as a grass roots uprising, it is no such thing. The rotten pedigree of this is given in detail for Australia, in an article exposing the “School Strike 4 Climate Australia,” by a researcher from the Citizens Electoral Council, Jeremy Beck. It is titled, “ ‘Climate Action’ Is Brutal Austerity,” Here is an excerpt:
“Wood is Australian Campaign’s Director of, an environmentalist activist organization with a presence in 188 countries. It had a $16.8 million total revenue in 2017, and public records show wealthy foundations such as the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the George Soros-funded Tides Foundation have collectively funnelled in tens of millions of dollars to since its founding in 2007. The CEO of in Australia, Blair Palese, was a board member of Greenpeace Australia Pacific. Greenpeace has collectively received billions of dollars from establishment-run foundations....