FROM EIR DAILY ALERT‘Decarbonization’ of Germany Will Cost between €818 and €1,442 BillionFeb. 28, 2019 (EIRNS)—A study by the Research Association for Combustion Engines (FVV) in Germany, released by Dr. Ulrich Kramer on Sept. 27, 2018 in Wurzburg and presented at the annual International Internal Engine Conference in Baden-Baden on Feb. 26-27, has thoroughly explored what it will cost to achieve a 100% decarbonization of the transport sector in Germany by 2050. Even assuming the unrealistic scenario of a 100% shift to so-called “renewable” energy sources, the study, “Defossilizing the Transportation Sector, Options and Requirements for Germany,” considers three options for such a transition: 1. Direct use of electricity in battery electric powertrains; 2. Hydrogen production by electrolysis and its use in a fuel cell; 3. Use of climate-neutral liquid or gaseous fuels in internal combustion engines. The report estimates the cost for each of these would respectively be: 1. €1,327 billion; 2. €1,442 billion; 3. €818-972 billion. |