Eurasia-Mediterranean Think Tank Covers MoviSol Conference
March 21, 2019 (EIRNS)- The Centro Studi Eurasia Mediterraneo (CESEM, Center for Eurasia Mediterranean Studies) covered the conference “Italy in the New Silk Road,” co-sponsored by MoviSol, the LaRouche movement in Italy, and by the Lombardy Regional government on March 13 in Milan. The coverage, written by CESEM coordinator Stefano Vernole, highlights the address by the Italian government’s Task Force China head, with the title, “Michele Geraci: ‘The New Silk Road Serves National Interests.’ ”
Vernole writes that the meeting, in which Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche also participated, “helped dissipate much commonplace thinking on the ‘yellow menace’ spread by mainstream media with the consent of U.S. neo-con circles (curiously allied to U.S. Democrats on the issue), who fear that the Atlanticist geopolitical architecture is being threatened.” He summarizes Zepp-LaRouche’s speech, praising Italy’s Africa development policy and explaining that
“Chinese influence will also be important to revive the best European cultural heritage (the Renaissance, German philosophy, the Ecole Polytechnique, etc.); Confucianism speaks about harmony among nations and aesthetical education of the population ... meritocracy and common good.”
It then goes through “the most anticipated” speech, that of Undersecretary of the Economic Development Ministry Geraci, covering all his main points on BRI cooperation, exports, infrastructure, screening á l’Italienne (against predatory investments but in favor of greenfield investments), and the “Made in China 2025” policy.
The daily newsletter Osservatore Politico Internazionale, which is sent gratis to political, business, and institutional networks, yesterday ran as its leading news item the EIR Strategic Alert report “Italian Media Discover LaRouche’s Role in the Silk Road.”