Fired FBI Head Jim Comey Worried ‘Counter-investigation’ Might Put Him in Jail
April 3, 2019 (EIRNS)—In a wide-ranging interview with CNN’s Cristiane Amanpour, former FBI Director Jim Comey expressed concern about President Donald Trump’s proposal that the investigators of the Russia collusion investigation, themselves be investigated.
This is a very troubling idea, he told Amanpour, demurring that he feared it, not personally, “but as a citizen. Right? Investigate what? Investigate that investigations were conducted? What would be the crime you’d be investigating? So, it’s a terrible cycle to start,” he lamented. He also charged that Trump’s rhetoric, “calling for locking up his political opponents, including people like me,” is very bad. “It will just be more of that dangerous step.” Dangerous for whom?
Comey said that he’s willing to give Attorney General William Barr the “benefit of the doubt” when it comes to transparency on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Since Mueller probably wrote the report assuming it would become public eventually, Comey said, “I can’t imagine a lot needs to be cut out of it. But, let’s wait and see.” Comey repeated his criticism of Barr’s decision regarding whether the President had committed obstruction. “The Attorney General’s letter doesn’t make sense in light of my experience,” Comey said. “Thousands of people are prosecuted in this country every year for trying to obstruct an investigation where the underlying thing that was being investigated doesn’t end up proven.”
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), meanwhile, is hot to trot on investigating the investigators, and also demanding that a special prosecutor be named for that purpose. Speaking on Fox News’ “Hannity” show last night, he said he intends to call Comey before the Judiciary Committee, but that also, “some prosecutor, not a politician, needs to look at Comey, [former FBI Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe, and all of these characters to find out if in fact they broke the law. I’m hoping Attorney General Barr will assign somebody to this case with the same resources and commitment to look at them as Mueller had to look at Trump.” Millions of Americans, he said, “believe that the top levels of the DOJ and FBI wanted Trump to lose the 2016 elections,” and that they “manipulated the facts and the law to go after Trump, and that’s a big deal to a lot of people. So I promise you, former Director Comey will get to testify in the light of day,” Graham continued, and will be asked about the dossier by British intelligence hack Christopher Steele, among other things.