VIPS Urge Trump, Don’t Let Neocon Policy Trap You on Venezuela, but Talk to Putin Instead!
April 5, 2019—In an April 4 memorandum to President Trump, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), urge him not to “let yourself be egged on into taking potentially catastrophic military action” on Venezuela, in response to Russian activities in that country.
Accepting the policy recommendations of the gaggle of neocons in the administration—Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Pompeo, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and Special Envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams—can only lead to disaster, the VIPS warn. Nothing the U.S. has done so far, including draconian sanctions, has succeeded in forcing President Nicolas Maduro out of office, or weakening his military support. As for “interim President” Juan Guaidó, he’s clearly just a puppet “totally scripted by U.S. government agencies.” The momentum for regime change has in fact slowed, they observe.
But the Cold War rhetoric from John Bolton, ranting against the “Troika of Tyranny” (Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua), and making thinly disguised swipes at Russia and China, is dangerous.
Stating that some in the media “are trying to egg you on in taking forceful action,” the VIPS urge Trump “not to fall into this trap. This is not 19th century Latin America, and it is far cry from the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.” The best way to prevent dangerous miscalculation, they propose, “would be for you to speak directly with President Putin. Washington’s energies would be better spent clearing up differences, adjusting failed policies and promoting a peaceful resolution on Venezuela.”