Beijing’s Ambassador to Chile Thinks Mike Pompeo ‘Has Lost his Mind’ in Attacks on China
April 15, 2019 (EIRNS)—Responding to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s wild attacks on China during his recent tour of four Ibero-American nations, China’s ambassador to Chile Xu Bu, told the Chilean daily La Tercera that “Pompeo has lost his mind and gone too far.”
Xu sharply explained that the U.S. “has not made substantial contributions to the economic development of Latin American countries,” yet attacks China for doing so. Mr. Pompeo is a hypocrite, he went on, pointing out that Chinese investment in Chile has brought “tangible benefits to the development of the Chilean economy.”
An opinion piece published in Global Times April 14, under the headline “Latin America Needs Development, not Zero-Sum U.S. Games,” develops this argument clearly, warning that any attempts by Washington to “restructure” its “backyard” are doomed to fail, as they are not in line with the political or economic realities of the region. The fact is, says author Li Qingqing, “The U.S. is turning a deaf ear to the successful China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America.” China is only building development projects in the region, none of which “targets the U.S.” Isn’t it the case, he asks, that building highways and ports in the region could also benefit the U.S.? Contrast this, Li offers, with the U.S.’s aggression in the South China Sea, China’s own “backyard.”
For all countries in the region, “development is now the top priority,” writes Li; several countries have signed cooperation agreements with China or joined the BRI.
“Development, instead of picking sides or playing geopolitical games, is the biggest problem to be resolved for Latin American countries. Latin American people know what is good for them. China’s investments and projects will benefit the region, and no amount of Washington’s coaxing will change the facts. The U.S. should stop playing a zero-sum game and focus on Latin America’s development, if Washington really regards the region as ‘its backyard.’ ”
In his briefing today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang responded that Pompeo’s accusations about China’s involvement in Venezuela,
“are irresponsible and nonsensical.... I am sure Latin American countries are fully capable of telling a true friend from a false one who is ignoring rules and spreading chaos.... A lie will remain a lie, even if repeated a thousand times. Monsieur Pompeo might as well take a break.”