China Warns American Elites, You Have Gone Too Far
April 19, 2019 (EIRNS)—The semi-official Chinese daily Global Times posted an editorial today sternly warning that the campaign being run against Chinese scholars in the United States by the FBI—long notorious as an instrument of British imperial interests against the United States from within, EIR notes—could lead to consequences of historic proportions which could “ruin” the 21st century. The editorial delivers a message to the American establishment, that while China has carefully avoided the “all-round confrontation” which the geopolitical crowd has long sought, that friendly attitude may reach a breaking point.
Wang Wen of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies told Global Times that at least 280 Chinese social scholars “have been unfairly treated,” far more than the 30 cited by the New York Times on April 14, who have been harassed and/or had their visas cancelled. These scholars are from “China’s mainstream think tanks and universities. Their low-key reaction after the incidents reflects China’s general attitude toward confrontation,” Global Times writes, and by and large they are not speaking out because they do not want China-U.S. relations to further deteriorate. “Most Chinese scholars studying the U.S. understand the U.S. the best, support China and the U.S. developing relations, and handle China-U.S. frictions rationally.”
The government paper warns, however:
“Negative impressions of the U.S. have been accumulating in China due to its constant provocations in recent years. An increasing number of Chinese people think that the U.S. is losing its senses and even going mad. Aversion and disdain for the U.S. are also spreading.”