FBI, State Department Knew Christopher Steele Sought To Derail Trump Candidacy Before Nov. 8, 2016
May 8, 2019 (EIRNS)—An FOIA release to Citizens United, the conservative political action committee, has revealed that British spy Christopher Steele was pushing the Obama State Department to get his fake dossier into the public domain before the November 2016 election in order to influence that 2016 presidential election. This stunning information was revealed in the heavily redacted and still classified written account of Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec concerning her meeting with Steele at the State Department on Oct. 11, 2016. It is an admission which is devastating to the lie peddled by Steele in defamation cases both here in the U.S. and in Britain, where Steele has attempted to cloak his dirty tricks as patriotic intelligence activities conducted entirely within intelligence channels.
Kavalec, who worked for, and just under, Ukraine coup puppet-master Victoria Nuland, met with Steele after Nuland had deliberately absented herself from Steele’s October 2016 State Department meetings. Nuland had played a major role in orchestrating Steele’s black propaganda campaign against Trump, after he had served in a similar role for her during the Ukraine coup. The fact that Steele was frantic to use his fake dossier to influence the election, was forwarded by State to key intelligence officials ten days before the Department of Justice used the scurrilous Steele dossier to obtain a FISA warrant for surveillance on Trump Campaign volunteer Carter Page. So, there were two sources who were warning about this British MI6 agent’s attempt to swing the election against Donald Trump, Kavalec at State and Bruce Ohr at Main Justice. The FISA warrant was obtained without revealing any of these extremely material facts to the FISA Court, or telling the Court that Steele had been fired by the FBI because of his media orchestration activities. Kavalec’s account was marked unclassified in 2016 by the FBI, but was retroactively reclassified by the FBI, on April 25, 2019, and, it appears, never produced to the Senate or House Intelligence Committees in their investigations of Russiagate.
As reported yesterday by John Solomon in The Hill, “Kavalec’s notes have momentous consequences. For the first time, we have written proof the U.S. government knew well before the FBI secured the FISA warrant that Steele had a political motive and Election Day deadline to make his dossier public.
“And we know that information was transmitted ... to one or more people whose job is so sensitive that their identity had to be protected. That means there is little chance the FBI didn’t know about Steele’s political client, or the Election Day deadline, before requesting the FISA warrant.”