Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Salvini Defends National Sovereignty from EU Deficit Rules
May 16, 2019 (EIRNS)—Italy’s Lega party chairman Matteo Salvini, who is also Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister, has repeatedly warned in the past days that if necessary, Italy will violate EU deficit and debt rules. “If it is necessary to violate some limits, be it the 3% or the 130-149% [deficit and debt to GDP ratio], we will go ahead,” he said he told reporters during a European election campaign swing in Verona on May 14. “If a thing is right, it should be done. I am not in the government to grow by 0.3% or 0.4%. We need bold choices, not irresponsible choices.” Salvini said he is not worried whether the markets penalize Italy by increasing refinancing costs: “I am not at all worried. The right of Italians to work, to life and to health comes first.”
Salvini will hold a rally with all leading candidates of the so-called sovereignist front in Europe on May 18 in Milan. The European Parliament elections throughout the EU are over May 23-26.