London Press ‘Outs’ MI6 Operations against Trump as He Prepares for State Visit
May 20, 2019 (EIRNS)—Just two weeks prior to President Donald Trump’s scheduled state visit to the United Kingdom, several London newspapers have decided to sensationalize the role of British intelligence agencies and officials in the “Russiagate” coup attempt against Donald Trump.
“British Spy Chiefs Were Briefed about Dossier on Trump’s Ties to Russia That Contained Lewd Allegations about the President and Prostitutes—Months Before He Even Knew It Existed” is the Daily Mail’s breathless headline. The Daily Telegraph had it “British Spies Got Lurid Memos on Trump.” The Telegraph’s story began,
“Theresa May’s spy chiefs were secretly briefed on an explosive dossier of claims about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia before the U.S. President was made aware of its existence, the Telegraph can reveal. The heads of MI5 and MI6, and one of Mrs. May’s most trusted security advisers were told about former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele’s memos on the Trump campaign in the weeks after his November 2016 election victory.”
For the most part, the conveying of the Steele fakeries to and through British intelligence officials and spies is old news, and it was underway for a year before Trump was elected.
The names are named here: MI6 chief Alex Younger and his predecessor, Sir Richard Dearlove; MI5 Director General Andrew Marker; and the chair of the government’s Joint Intelligence Committee, the late Sir Andrew Farr—named for the first time. The fact that Steele had headed MI6’s Russia Bureau came out. And the Mail’s account, in particular, reports that Steele’s memos proved false and were not repeated in the Mueller report.
Why the multiple London stories appear sensationally now, is not known. However, Trump is scheduled to meet the Queen and the outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May within two weeks; and Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche has suggested that the White House should demand apologies for precisely the British intelligence attempt at a coup, so “luridly” splashed on the London pages today.