Continued Exposure of British Intelligence Role in Russiagate
May 29, 2019 (EIRNS)—The issue of British intelligence’s role in Russiagate—if not as the instigator, as a major player—continues to come out publicly. LaRouche PAC and EIR put out the complete dirty details two years ago.
On Fox News’s Hannity Show last night, after stating that former British foreign intelligence MI6 operative and dirty dossier author Christopher Steele has said he won’t cooperate with Attorney General Bill Barr’s investigation on the origins of Russiagate—Hannity suggested Steele be extradited to the United States—guests zeroed in on the British intelligence role.
Author Gregg Jarrett noted that former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper “outsourced spying,” to which Hannity added, “what they can’t do legally here, they outsourced to our allies, the U.K., Australia and maybe Italy ... and they had them break the law for them.” As to why so many “informants” ended up overseas, Jarrett explained it’s “because the CIA can’t spy on its citizens on American soil, but if they are lured overseas, they can get MI6, MI5 and GCHQ to do their dirty work for them against the Trump campaign.” Jarrett insisted that spying began as early as 2015, principally coordinated by John Brennan.
There is huge panic among the intelligence community and allies about the investigation by Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham. Former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Joseph diGenova stated on the WMAL “Mornings on the Mall” Washington, D.C., radio show yesterday that, “we are heading toward a gigantic, gigantic fight.... The intelligence community, which includes the FBI, is in full resistance to disclosing what they did during the presidential campaign.”