Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Worries Iran Confrontation Could Spin Out of Control
June 24, 2019 (EIRNS)—Retired Adm. Michael Mullen, who was Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007-11, warned during an appearance on ABC News’ “This Week,” that tensions with Iran could escalate out of control. “My biggest concern is the President is running out of room, running out of options and while rhetoric goes back and forth on how close we came to hitting Iran just the other day, that this thing could spin out of control,” he said. “The last thing in the world we need right now is a war with Iran.”
Mullen, reported AFP, said politicians need to use diplomacy to prevent Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “That’s our system here and I think the politicians need to figure out a way to achieve the objective, which is Iran without a nuclear weapon—and, from my perspective, without regime change, without going to war,” he said.