British Empire’s Chatham House Targets U.S. for ‘Climate Civil Disobedience’—on July Fourth
July 1, 2019 (EIRNS)—In what might be seen as the British Empire’s idea of “celebrating” American Independence, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), also known as Chatham House, on July 4 will discuss just what role “civil disobedience” should play in protests regarding alleged manmade climate change. On that day, the oligarchs will assemble for a “debate,” respectfully titled, “Climate Action: A Role for Civil Disobedience?”
The banner gives away the game.
“In spite of this ever-growing public awareness of the urgency of climate action, environmental scientists and activists have struggled to motivate the wider public, policymakers and corporations to push through the disruptive and ambitious policies needed. ... In recent months, however, a new sense of urgency has been injected into the environmental debate by movements including the Extinction Rebellion in London and the Youth For Climate strikes internationally.”
This “new sense of urgency” covers for the planned outbreak of “anti-institutional” violence. One of the featured speakers at the July 4 event is Farhana Yamin, an Associate Fellow of Chatham House’s Energy, Environment and Resources Department, an “climate change lawyer,” and Advisory Board member of the UNFCCC Momentum for Change initiative, and an active member of the disruptive, self-proclaimed nonviolent Extinction Rebellion (“XR”). In a typically Malthusian protest on April 15, members, including Yamin, glued themselves to the doors and windows of Royal Dutch Shell’s corporate headquarters, and spray-painted the walls with the slogan “Fossil fuels are killing us—zero carbon now.”
Since its inception in London on Oct. 31, 2018, “XR” has engaged in repeated “civil disobedience” demonstrations, drawing hundreds and even thousands of youthful would-be activists into the fray, via such gimmicks as its maiden event, which featured teenager Greta Thunberg, giving one of her canned speeches.
After a year’s worth of blocking roads and bridges in the U.K., XR invaded the United States with an “action” targetting the New York Times June 22. The goal of the “several hundred” who followed their Twitter feeds to the event, was to “force” the Times to follow in the goosesteps of Britain’s Guardian, and substitute “climate emergency, for the term “climate change.”