Scarborough Likens Darroch Cables to Steele Dossier, Says Trump Suspicious of British Role
July 10, 2019 (EIRNS)—“New Dossier Deepens Trump’s Suspicions about America’s Top Ally” is the headline on a Washington Times article July 9, in which author Rowan Scarborough zeroes in on the British role behind Russiagate and the attempt to overthrow President Donald Trump. Newly resigned British Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch was a key player in this, and Scarborough usefully describes the trove of Darroch’s cables as a second anti-Trump dossier—the first being that compiled by MI6 operative Christopher Steele. Both those dossiers, Scarborough states, have deepened “the President’s suspicions about the U.S.-U.K. special relationship.”
Like Steele’s dossier, which consisted of 17 memos, requested by his Democratic Party handlers, Darroch produced his “dossier” in segments, “filled with anti-Trump vitriol.” And, Scarborough notes, even before the Darroch cables were disclosed, “President Trump was deeply suspicious of the British government’s role in investigating him and his allies about Russian interference in the 2016 election.”
Steele, of course, “shared his gossip with MI6 headquarters, raising questions about whether London’s top spies believed his criminal charges against Mr. Trump and whether they spread the material among the U.K. Cabinet.” In the Darroch case, there were two years’ worth of cables leaked; they went to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office “where they were likely distributed to the seats of power, including No. 10 Downing St.”
After news of the Darroch cables broke, former Trump campaign associate George Papadopoulos tweeted that, “the U.S.-U.K. scandal that is going to hit headlines this week is about the MI6, in coordination with the CIA, running Stefan Halper at me in London.” Scarborough reviews the role of Stefan Halper in setting up Papadopoulos, recalling that Halper “is a business partner of Richard Dearlove, a former director of MI6.”
Papadopoulos states that
“the U.K. knows that the President and Congress read and know about the U.K.’s interference in the 2016 election and are now trying to get ahead of the declassified information that’s going to hit the headlines. The U.K. is nothing more than a hindrance to U.S. interests in this new era.”
As for Russiagate, Scarborough points out that Darroch’s cables, “attacked virtually all aspects of Mr. Trump’s rule, including scandals, Russia, trade and Iran.... The ambassador also repeats a Democratic Party talking point that Mr. Trump is somehow indebted to Moscow.” Darroch wrote of “a possible Russian-Trump conspiracy: The worst cannot be ruled out.”