U.K. Ambassador Darroch Resigns, with London Hysterical over Demise of Special Relationship
July 10, 2019 (EIRNS)—In a letter dated today, British Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch officially resigned his position, stating that “the current situation is making it impossible for me to carry out my role as I would like.” As if to say that the “special relationship is still intact,” Darroch thanked those in Britain and the U.S. who had offered their support over the past two days, and stating that “this has brought home to me the depth of friendship and close ties between our two countries.”
There are loud noises emanating from the upper echelons of the British Establishment—former diplomats and government officials, Members of Parliament, lords and ladies—denouncing Donald Trump’s effrontery in asserting that the United States is not a colony, and doesn’t need the likes of Kim Darroch. Tories are blaming former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson for Darroch’s resignation, accusing him of failing to publicly support Darroch during last night’s debate with Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt over who will be replacing Theresa May as Prime Minister. MP and Foreign Office official Alan Duncan charged Johnson with “contemptible negligence” for throwing poor Darroch “under the bus.”
Poor Darroch? Lest anyone doubt that he was a key player in British operations to bring down Donald Trump, consider the Daily Mail’s July 9 mention of a secret memo Darroch wrote right after Trump’s November 2016 election, reported on Nov. 13, 2016 by the Sunday Times. Suggesting that the U.K. could exploit Trump’s “inexperience” in office, Darroch wrote that “the president-elect is above all an outsider and unknown quantity, whose campaign pronouncements may reveal his instincts, but will surely evolve and particularly, be open to outside influence if pitched right.... We should be well placed to do this.”
So, behind the howls of indignation is rampant hysteria that the special relationship is unraveling and that London is losing control.
Chest-beating from other leading Tories includes:
Former Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind: Trump is the one who is
“wacky and strange.... I can think of some people for whom that description would fit perfectly. One of them lives in the White House.... Mr. Trump’s tweets have been going on now for two years. Most of America ignores most of them. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t as well.”
Lord Heseltine, former Tory Deputy Prime Minister: “This is characteristic of what [Trump] does. It is particularly regrettable when it applies to something to do with this country. He sounds off in a way that is totally beneath the dignity of the office,” he told the Daily Mail.
Sir Christopher Meyer, former U.K. Ambassador in Washington, told BBC’s Radio 4 program that Trump is “insecure ...which Sir Kim himself bore witness to.” Whoever leaked the cables, was someone “who set out, deliberately, to sabotage Sir Kim’s ambassadorship, to make his position untenable, and to have him replaced by somebody more congenial to the leaker.”