Al Gore Reminds Democrats, We Can’t Win, But We Can Destroy
July 15, 2109 (EIRNS)—Central to the strategy of the destruction of the United States through the adoption of the anti-technology ideology behind the Green New Deal, has been the mobilization/indoctrination of a generation of youth. Raised by “liberalized” baby-boomer parents lacking a firm foundation for rational thought, these “millennial” children are easy prey for imperial designs. Al Gore has been a leading facilitator.
The year 2006 was a milestone in the climate movement, with the debut of Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” film. Away from the headlines, that year also saw Gore set up his Generation Investment Management (with David Blood), and, perhaps most significantly, establish the Climate Reality Project. With branches now established in at least eight countries on five continents, Gore’s project was perhaps the original example of “childabuse” by the climatizers. With tens of thousands of “leaders” having passed through its doors since inception, the star graduates of the Climate Reality Project have been the young and innocent.
One such Climate Reality graduate to whom Gore has taken particular liking, is teenager Jamie Margolin, a Seattle native who attended Gore’s school sometime around 2015. With the two of them having posed for numerous Instagram and Twitter postings, Margolin went on to found something she called “This Is Zero Hour” in 2017. In 2018, she was featured in TeenVogue, and Rolling Stone. Margolin and her circle also sued the state of Washington—for ignoring its constitutional responsibility to protect “Life and Liberty” by allowing climate change to allegedly destroy her generation’s future. (The suit failed.)
Margolin is on a par with Sweden’s climate poster-child Greta Thunberg, who, while she seems to have gotten her climatization elsewhere, nonetheless has Gore as a very close shadow. One of Thunberg’s original boosters was Ingmar Rentzhog, who became a Climate Leader through Gore’s schooling. In June 2018, Rentzhog attended a refresher course at a Climate Reality workshop in Berlin, and a month later he and his company were featured on the cover of Swedish Finance Monthly magazine (the month that Thunberg started skipping school). Rentzhog is now on the board of directors of Thunberg’s We Don’t Have Time Foundation, along with another Gore graduate, Stuart Scott.
Thus has presidential loser Gore seeded the climate leadership now oozing to the fore across the world. As the movement has now adopted the stretto of “climate emergency,” so the youth-driven Sunrise Movement has also upped its tempo. Having carried out its own “actions” since the victory of Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez last November, it is one of the leading flanks against the “recalcitrant” leadership.
With the DNC so far refusing to cave on the issue of a “Climate Debate,” the Sunrise Movement has now determined to hold its own tribunal in the streets, when the second Democratic Debate is held in Detroit July 30-31. BuzzFeed is now reporting that Sunrise is “preparing” to send around 1,000 people to Detroit. “The group is pouring resources into leadership and activist training ... to build a ‘youth army.’ ” Leading up to this, Margolin’s Zero Hour is hosting a youth climate summit in Miami in mid-July, which will feature “Green Greta” Thunberg.