Democrats Nadler and Harris Team Up with George Soros on Sweeping Marijuana ‘Reform’
July 23, 2019 (EIRNS)—Today, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduced legislation for a sweeping reform of federal marijuana laws in the United States to ensure that people are too doped up to realize what’s going on around them. Harris, a Democratic pre-candidate for President, intoned that “times have changed. Marijuana should not be a crime.”
This is being done in conjunction with drug kingpin George Soros’s Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), which chortled in a press release today that “we and our allies have been working with Representative Nadler and Senator Harris for months” to produce the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (MORE). One of the bill’s priorities is to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level—marijuana is currently prohibited by the Federal Controlled Substances Act—and include social and criminal justice provisions, CNBC reported. Under new provisions, states would be able to write their own policies.
The justification offered for the bill is pernicious. As the DPA puts it, people’s lives “have been ruined for decades”—not by deindustrialization, unemployment, economic and cultural decay, drugs, etc. but “by prohibition,” which has “disproportionately affected people of color.” Removing marijuana from the federal Controlled Substances Act, the DPA explains, will make it possible to prioritize and “reinvest in those who have been most affected by our failed marijuana laws.” This will “correct the historical injustices caused by prohibition!”
Absent federal law, the bill will target minority communities, allowing them to participate in the “economic boom” offered by marijuana businesses, and “repair the damage by the war on drugs.” The bill will also require pot convictions to be expunged or resentenced.
A hearing by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs was scheduled for today to discuss the “challenges the cannabis industry faces” in obtaining financial services. Maritza Perez, an analyst at the Center for American Progress extols the new law, as it will remove those obstacles which have prevented minorities from benefitting from the burgeoning marijuana business. According to CNBC, the Nadler-Harris bill will supposedly use cannabis tax revenue to set up three funds to help people in communities “that have been harmed in the War on Drugs.” The community reinvestment grant would provide job training, legal aid and other social programs. The bill calls for a Cannabis Justice Officer to administer the money.