Italian Sovereignist Site Publishes Call for ‘Exoneration of the Great Economist Lyndon LaRouche’
July 25, 2019 (EIRNS)—, the sovereignist blog founded by Prof. Antonio Maria Rinaldi, published an article today by one of their columnists, economist Nino Galloni, on the campaign to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche. Under the headline “Call for Exoneration of the Great Economist Lyndon LaRouche,” Galloni wrote:
“Lyndon LaRouche was a great philosopher, politician and economist, who passed away last February. At the beginning of the ’80s, after having exposed the first and decisive steps by British intelligence to back and promote Islamic fundamentalism, LaRouche was put on trial in his country, the U.S.A., accused of ‘conspiracy.’ The trial turned out to be a farce, raising indignation among jurors and public opinion. Although at the end, the accusations were dropped [in mistrial], another trial was started soon after with the same accusations (a different venue, where judges and jurors would be more manipulable, was chosen. Everything has been documented.)
“With the proceedings conducted in an irregular way, LaRouche ended up in jail for several years, until President Clinton personally had him freed. During his years in prison and after, LaRouche studied, wrote and published fundamental works, which have been translated into all languages, and created a political movement with solid roots, including in Europe.”
Concluding, Galloni gives the LaRouche PAC Action Center link to the petition for LaRouche’s exoneration, explaining that “the following link aims at gathering support for a full exoneration, less than one year after his death.” is the most followed economic blog in Italy.