Democrats Inch Closer to the Cliff, as Impeachment Ranks Swell
July 29, 2019 (EIRNS)—Regardless of how little effect the hours (and hours) of Robert Mueller’s droning testimony had on “moving the bar” of impeachment with the general public, the ploy seems to have worked on the politicians. Since the testimony, 13 House more members (all Democrats) have announced that they support the political suicide mission of impeachment, including a fresh four only yesterday. This brings the total to 107, says Politico, just shy of the psychologically significant 50% figure. The latest four, who converted on Sunday, are all from Washington State.
Desperation at Mueller’s debacle seems to be at work.
Additionally today, four members of the House Judiciary Committee posted an statement in The Atlantic, “Why We’re Moving Forward on Impeachment.” Calling Mueller’s testimony a “watershed moment,” the four emphasized that impeachment proceedings don’t actually start in the House; Article I says they start in the Judiciary Committee. (They say.)
Ironically, or better said, realistically, as Politico was reporting the “surge” (as if it were a marathon race), the Washington Post’s Daily 202 newsletter author James Hohmann was on the ground in New Hampshire (both of whose Representatives are now on the wagon), where he found very little support in the general public, even among Democrats. As one state representative commented, “I hate to say this, but I agree with Nancy Pelosi. Not that Congress is doing much of anything anyway, but it would be a waste of Congress’ time and our money to impeach [at this time].” Another threw out, “In my heart of hearts, I’m pretty sure [Trump is] going to win the next election, but at this point in the term, I’m not sure impeachment is the best use of resources.”