Scientists Debunk Fraud of Man-Caused Climate Change, Point to Galactic Role in Cloud Cover
July 30, 2019(EIRNS)—Two Finnish scientists from the University of Turku’s Department of Physics and Astronomy released a preprint paper on June 29, titled “No Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate Change.” The two, J. Kauppinen and P. Malmi, argue that by failing to include the influence of galactic cosmic radiation on low-level cloud cover, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) exaggerates the role of greenhouse gases in changing temperatures. As Henrik Svensmark and others have noted, a global cloud cover change of a few percent can naturally cause the climate variations seen over the past century. Kauppinen and Malmi are adamant: “computational results” of computer climate models do not constitute “experimental evidence.”
Only one day before, a team of four scientists led from the Research Center for Inland Seas at Japan’s Kobe University, published a report in Scientific Reports on their examination of the geological record at the time of the last geomagnetic reversal transition 780,000 years ago, looking for evidence of the impact of cosmic rays on the Earth’s climate. Their intent was to confirm the “Svensmark Effect,” the hypothesis that galactic cosmic rays induce low cloud formation and thereby determine the climate. (However, it should be noted that variations in the Earth’s magnetic field are thought to have a minimal contribution to the “Svensmark Effect”—when compared with solar and galactic changes.)
In the summary of this paper posted by Kobe University, authors Hyodo Masayuki and Ueno Yusuke from Kobe University, Yang Tianshui from China’s University of Geosciences, and Katoh Shigehiro from the Museum of Nature and Human Activities in Hyogo, Japan, explain their thinking: that because the Earth’s magnetic strength fell by more than three-quarters during the geomagnetic reversal transition period, galactic cosmic rays increased by over 50% in that 5,000 year period, which, if the Svensmark hypothesis is correct, would have increased cloud cover and thereby affected the climate sufficiently to be found in the geological record. They chose to examine evidence from two sites in the Chinese Loess Plateau, just south of the Gobi Desert, for changes in the loess layers (sediment created by the accumulation of wind-blown silt) around that time. The changes in sediment layers and areas of distribution uncovered did indeed demonstrate evidence of significantly stronger winter monsoons, which they associate with the effects of increased cloud cover.