Pope Francis for Green Fascist Agenda, Calls Special Green Synod, Compares ‘Sovereignists’ to Hitler
Aug. 10, 2019 (EIRNS)—In a long interview with the Turin daily La Stampa (owned by the De Benedetti group), Pope Francis confirmed Lyndon LaRouche’s allegations that his adoption of Malthusian environmentalism proves that Satan has snatched his body. The Pope said that the number-one danger to humanity is “the loss of biodiversity,” called for saving the EU through the radically anti-industrial European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and compared “sovereignists” (e.g., Lega head, Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini) to Hitler.
Announcing an extraordinary Bishops Synod in October, dedicated to saving the Amazon forest, the Pope said it will follow the guidelines of the Laudato Si’ encyclical, which “is a social encyclical, based on a ‘green’ reality.”
He continues:
“A few months ago, seven fishermen told me: ‘In recent months we collected 6 tons of plastic.’ The other day I read about a huge glacier in Iceland that has almost completely melted: they built a memorial to it. With the Siberia’s wildfires, some glaciers in Greenland melted. The people from a country in the Pacific are moving away because in 20 years the island where they live will no longer be there. But the fact that has shocked me the most is yet another.”
Which one?
“The Overshoot Day: On July 29th, we used up all the regenerative resources of 2019. As of July 30 we started to consume more resources than the planet can regenerate in a year. It’s very serious. It’s a global emergency. Ours will be an urgent Synod. But beware: A Synod is not a meeting of scientists or politicians. It is not a parliament: it is something else. It was convened by the Church and will have an evangelizing mission and dimension. It will be a work of communion guided by the Holy Spirit.”
Policymakers should “take on concrete responsibilities,” including on “the issue of fertilizers.” Asked what he mostly fears for the planet, he answers: “The disappearance of biodiversity. New deadly diseases. A drift and devastation of nature that can lead to the death of humanity.”
But there are signs of hope, he said, “especially in the movements of young ecologists, such as the one led by Greta Thunberg, ‘FridaysForFuture.’ I saw a sign from them that struck me: ‘We are the future!’ ”
The enemy is sovereignism: “Sovereignism reveals an attitude toward isolation. I am concerned because we hear speeches that resemble those of Hitler in 1934.”
To defeat sovereignism, he asserted, we must “save Europe” (i.e., the European Union). “After the [European] elections, I hope that a process to relaunch it will begin and continue without interruption.”