Greta Thunberg Joins Eco-Terrorists
Aug. 12, 2019 (EIRNS)—Coming from a week of “summer camp” discussions with climate activists in Lausanne, Switzerland, Greta Thunberg arrived in Cologne, Germany on Aug. 10, where she was received by Luisa Neubauer, the “voice” of the German FridaysForFuture movement. From Cologne, the two drove to the scene of radicalized anti-coal protests and actions at Hambach, where Thunberg met with activists of the “Ende Gelände” group, which has been responsible for numerous blockade and sabotage acts against infrastructure and facilities of the lignite mining firm RWE there. A photo on the internet shows Thunberg standing next to a masked Ende Gelände militant.
The agenda of Thunberg’s visit there was to discuss more radical actions leading up to the major international day of action on Sept. 20. The agenda is the perspective of moving from protest rallies on Fridays to blockades and sabotage under the slogan that the exit from coal must be done right now, not in 2035-38.
Also on Aug. 10, up to 100 activists from Ende Gelände blocked the main entrance and supply road of the coal power plant in Mannheim, and occupied a conveyor belt from the coal depot to the ovens. Strangely enough, RWE and EnBW, the operators of the Mannheim facility, did not call the police but let the activists stay for several hours. If there was illusion that not calling the police would calm the situation and avoid escalation, it does not work, as RWE’s appeasement many times before has shown.