Italy’s Government Crisis Was Plotted with EU Connivance
Aug. 15, 2019 (EIRNS)—The end of the Italian government was decided at the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen on Aug. 2, according to Italian financial analyst Mauro Bottarelli, whose sources are in the City of London:
“For many of those attending London trading rooms, the final act of the yellow-green government was accomplished on Aug. 2, when Ursula von Der Leyen visited Giuseppe Conte in Rome, as part of her post-election tour. Not accidentally, [Lega head and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo] Salvini made his first direct and explicit threat to the survival of the government two days later, Aug. 4.”
In reality, as covered in EIR (Italian Economist: ‘Good Finance Is the Instrument of the Real Economy,’ Aug. 16, 2019), a deal had been already struck when Italy’s Five Star MEPs decided to vote in the European Parliament for von der Leyen as new EU Commission president, providing the decisive numbers to have her elected. The deal was concocted together with the Italian Democratic Party and was based on the EU climate agenda. Von der Leyen is only an executor of decisions which are taken at the highest level in Brussels, Paris, and Berlin.
As part of this scenario, the Italian Senate voted on Aug. 13 against the Lega proposal to set Aug. 14 for a no-confidence vote. Instead, a Five Star-Democratic Party majority (plus smaller groups) set Aug. 20 for Prime Minister Conte to appear before Parliament. This was a signal that the new “alliance against nature” between the Five Stars and the Democratic Party is in the making.
Meanwhile, there is open war between the two components of the still-acting government—e.g., Defense Minister Elisabetta Trenta (M5S) said she won’t sign Interior Minister Matteo Salvini’s order to prevent access to Italian ports for NGO ships.