Washington Post Compelled To Admit Christchurch and El Paso Mass Killers Are ‘Ecofascists’
Aug. 19, 2019 (EIRNS)—The Washington Post newspaper, which dominates the capital area, commented in a front-page article yesterday on the environmentalist ideology of the mass killers in Christchurch, New Zealand and El Paso, Texas. The article, “Two Mass Killings a World Apart Share a Common Theme: ‘Ecofascism,’ ” must be assumed to be reacting to the exposure of precisely that reality, by Lyndon LaRouche’s movement’s website and publications in past weeks. Using the killers’ ”manifestos,” those publications have shown that the murderers were driven by the ideology of radical environmentalist groups which torment young people with frightening cries that the human population is ruining the Earth, and that the planet can bear only 500 million to 1 billion people, not the current 7.5 billion. The LaRouche movement has publicly branded this movement “ecofascism.”
An article similar to the Post’s, “The Environmentalist Roots of Anti-Immigrant Bigotry,” had been published days before in Britain’s Guardian of Aug. 16.
The Post article, continued on a full inside page, allows leaders of various environmentalist groups like Friends of the Earth to disavow the mass killers, claiming their beliefs are more white supremacist than environmentalist. One of these acknowledges that dystopian climate-change scenarios bring “a danger of people taking dire measures when they feel there’s no way out of it”; in other words, radical pessimism breeds violence.
But then the piece confirms:
• that ecofascism mirrors Nazi “blood and soil”;
• that the environmentalist movement has a racist, anti-immigration, eugenical and social Darwinist past; it claims “leaders of mainstream environmentalist groups are quick to acknowledge” this;
• that “conservationists” developed the idea that population growth produces environmental crisis, and that this idea has been adopted by extreme racists. Alleged Christchurch killer Brenton Harrison Tarrant’s manifesto is quoted: “It’s the birthrates. It’s the birthrates. It’s the birthrates”;
• that white supremacists frequently quote Paul Ehrlich’s (wildly false and discredited) 1972 book The Population Bomb—which Ehrlich is cited as protesting.
This lengthy admission is crucial, coming from the flagship liberal publication which has consistently blamed President Donald Trump for “white supremacist” violence and the mass