Climate Lunacy Planned for Global Youth Climate Strike and Climate Emergency Action Week
Aug. 21, 2019 (EIRNS)—As poor “global climate activist” Greta Thunberg makes her way across the Atlantic, organizers for the “Global Youth Climate Strike” are gearing up for their Sept. 20 action, three days before the UN’s Sept. 23 UN Climate Change Summit.
In fact, the entire week of Sept. 20-27 is set aside as “Climate Emergency Action Week.” The key organizers of this British Empire-directed apparatus, the, FridaysForFuture, and “many others,” are mobilized for what they predict will be an extraordinary global event. The website, Global Climate Strike provides a world map of planned activities, and instructs people on how to get involved in their area, with a special video message from Greta Thunberg.
Their statement, published on the San Francisco-based Indybay website, warns that “as young climate strikers have shown, there is huge power in sustained action week after week to match the scale of the climate emergency. These dates in September (20th-27th, 2019) are only a beginning to the sustained mass mobilization that will be needed to pressure world governments to take action in line with climate science and justice.
“Millions of us will walk out from home, work, school or university to declare a climate emergency and show our politicians what action in line with climate science and justice means.” The FridaysForFuture network is mobilizing to make Sept. 20 “their largest global climate strike ever,” according to this screed. “They have invited everyone to join them on Friday, September 20 and again the following Friday, September 27 when they will join Earth Strike for a general strike.”
The strike is necessary, the statement asserts, “because our house is on fire. The climate crisis is an emergency but we’re not acting like it. People everywhere are at risk if we let oil, coal and gas companies continue to pour more fuel on the fire.”
According to an Aug. 20 posting to Common Dreams, the Week of Action will include protests targetting specific fossil fuel companies and projects, teach-ins, people’s assemblies, and other such events. One student organizer, attending a climate strike in New Jersey, announced “we’re calling for students and adults to be striking. Don’t go to work, don’t go to school, speak up about climate change.”