Is Italy Moving towards a Green Fascist Government?
Aug. 27, 2019 (EIRNS)—According to the financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore, if a Five Star Movement-Democratic Party, yellow-red government comes into being in Italy, it will have a green fascist platform.
“Among the ten points presented by the Five Stars [M5S] in the first round of consultations is a ‘paradigm change on environment, a 100% renewable country,’ ” Il Sole writes. And Democratic (PD) Secretary General Nicola Zingaretti stressed in a press conference that Italy “needs a green program,” with “a new type of investments.”
“Circular economy” is “a model that both parties like.” The PD has called for rewarding companies that have implemented or want to implement a “eco-sustainable reconversion.” The PD is also for a €50 billion “Green Fund,” to finance green investments over 2020-2035. Another proposal is to cut subsidies to environmentally-hostile companies. The newspaper recalls that Zingaretti had dedicated his victory in the party primaries to Greta Thunberg.
The M5S had already put the green economy in the government contract with the Lega, and they want to keep current Environment Minister Costa, who signed a partnership deal with London for the COP26, the 2020 UN climate change summit, in the yellow-red government.
Il Sole also makes note that “The Green shift is also a key passage in the last speech by EU Commission President-elect Ursula von der Leyen.”