New Justice Department Inspector General Report on James Comey Is Scathing
Aug. 29, 2019 (EIRNS)—Today the report was released by the Inspector General of the Justice Department, on former FBI Director James Comey’s leaks of his memos about Donald Trump. This follows the announcement last week that Comey would not be prosecuted because he was careful not to leak classified information.
The IG’s report on Comey is scathing and EIR will be providing in-depth coverage in the near term. The findings show that Comey violated every FBI and Justice Department procedure in the book, in writing about every encounter he had with the President, while secreting those memos in a private safe at his house. Comey claimed he could do this because he considered the memos personal papers and not government property, despite the fact that they were clearly written in pursuit of his quest, on behalf of an out-of-control intelligence community, to set up and indict the President.
After Comey was fired in May 2017, he famously leaked one of the memos to the New York Times, to his friend, Daniel Richman, whom he had made a government agent, which leaking was done in order to facilitate the appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel. Only after Mueller was appointed and in place did Comey tell the FBI about his private store of government memos and whom he had delivered them to.
As many have observed in media coverage today, the Inspector General paints Comey accurately as a malignant narcissist, although being so is not, necessarily, criminal. It seems clear that Comey is not out of the woods, and that the prosecutorial decisions on these leaks were made in consideration of the highly inflamed Democratic Party-oriented juries in D.C. and Northern Virginia. Process crimes sit differently if juries have not been inflamed, as they were with Michael Flynn and others, by round upon round of media poison.