Thunberg Joined Friday Climate Protest at UN, in Countdown to Sept. 20 Eco-Madness Week
Aug. 31, 2019 (EIRNS)—Yesterday, newly arrived from her Grimaldi-owned racing yacht voyage across the Atlantic, Greta Thunberg joined her U.S. counterpart, green-teen Alexandria Villasenor, at a demonstration outside the United Nations to stop climate change. They were joined by a phalanx of high-profile, well-funded action groups, including Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion, FridaysForFuture, amounting to little over a hundred people, which green yellow journalists in the media played internationally as a big deal. Villasenor started her weekly Friday protests outside the UN last December.
Thunberg and Villasenor were invited inside the UN yesterday by Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who will host a UN climate summit on Sept. 23, timed with the opening of the General Assembly debate Sept. 24. He has Thunberg on the agenda for Sept. 23.
In France on Aug. 26, Guterres repeated to reporters the mad green script, “We absolutely need to keep the rise of temperature to 1.5° Celsius to the end of the century, and to be carbon neutral in 2050, and to have a 45% reduction of emissions by 2030.” He asked for nations to come prepared to present their plans at the General Assembly.
Thunberg intends to attend the 25th UN Climate Change Conference, COP25, in Santiago, Chile in December, planning to get there without air travel, perhaps booking another expensive yacht for a Pacific coastal voyage.