Hong Kong Executive Carrie Lam Announces Plan To End Riots
Sept. 4, 2019 (EIRNS)—Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam today announced a four-part “action plan” in an attempt to end the mass violence in Hong Kong for these past three months. She formally withdrew the extradition bill which was the initial excuse for the Anglo-American activation of the color revolution (she had pulled it from consideration earlier but not withdrawn it completely). She also appointed a former director of education, Helen Yu, and lawyer Paul Lam to the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC), which will review police practices in response to the protest since June. She rejected the protesters demand for an “independent investigation into police brutality,” and refused the demand to release all those arrested during the riots, saying she should not put aside the law.
Otherwise, she set up a process to begin dialogue between the government and the community organizations.
It is not clear what impact this will have, but it is also the case that more and more Hong Kong institutions are demanding an end of the violence.
Joshua Wong, the darling of the National Endowment of Democracy regime-change experts, is currently in Taiwan (he was released on bail after his arrest last week) meeting with the Taiwan pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, calling on the Taiwan people to hold demonstrations in support of the Hong Kong color revolution.
On Carrie Lam’s proposal, Wong tweeted: “Too little and too late now—Carrie Lam’s response comes after 7 lives sacrificed [a lie—there have been no deaths in the protests], more than 1,200 protestors arrested, in which many are mistreated in police station.... We urge the world too to [be] alert [to] this tactic and not to be deceived by HK and Beijing Govt. They have conceded nothing in fact, and a full-scale clampdown is on the way.” Nothing but a bloody shirt will be tolerated, so as to create a false “justification” for more direct attacks on China.